Tuesday, March 16, 2021

names names names

Coming up with a name for my project wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be. I did some research on how to properly title your movie and there were a couple of things I took away from it. One of the tips I made sure to consider was to keep the title short and sweet, while also hinting at the genre of the film. Since my genre is a psychological thriller and I have taken a lot of inspiration from Italian Art Horror films, I decided to emulate that in the name of my project. Here are some of the names I came up with before finalizing on one: 

Phantasma: this means something that exists in perception only (which is exactly what my film is about)

Fantasma: same meaning as above but translated to Italian

Candela: this means candle in Italian (fits with the opening scene with the candles surrounding the family photo)

Today in class, we met in groups of 5 and I was able to ask for feedback on my project. I liked all of the names I came up with and I asked the group which title they liked the best. They all agreed that Phantasma best fit the mood of my project. 

I think Phantasma best fits this project as well. I came up with this by skimming the dictionary for synonyms of "nightmare" and "apparition" and I came across this word. The meaning of the word perfectly fits the plot of the story without being too obvious. Now that I have my title, I'm going to play around with fonts and work on a title card.


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